
Payment and Cancellation​

Our standard check-in time is 02:00PM, and check-out time is 11:00AM . However, early check-in or late check-out may be available upon request, subject to availability and additional charges.

Yes, we provide complimentary breakfast for all guests staying at our hotel. Our breakfast options include a variety of dishes to suit different preferences.

Yes, we offer complimentary Wi-Fi access for all our guests throughout the hotel premises, including Restaurant Area , Swimming Pool area and meeting spaces.

Yes, we offer complimentary parking for guests who choose to drive to our hotel. Our parking facilities are secure and monitored for the safety of your vehicle.

Our hotel offers  recreational facilities and amenities, including  swimming pool and recreational activities. Please inquire at the front desk or refer to our website for more details.

Subject to availability, you may be able to make changes to your reservation, such as adjusting the dates, room type, or adding special requests. Please contact our reservation team or use our online reservation management system to make any changes.

Our cancellation policy may vary depending on the type of reservation, rate plan, and booking channel. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions provided at the time of booking or contact our reservation team for more information.

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